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A life dedicated to helping the next gen and individuals be a better version.

Matt’s Profile

Life Coach to Influential Change Makers and mentor of Next Generation Leaders.

Matthew Zachary Liu is a coach who believes in inspiring others to achieve more and become the best version of themselves.

He advocates that people learn best, not through theories and textbooks, but when they experience and understand how things can immediately be applied to improve their daily lives.

His approach is spontaneous and interactive, with an ability to engage and evoke deeper thoughts and feelings that his clients often find to be refreshing and personable.

Strongly believing in each individual’s uniqueness and strengths to make, create and express their best selves and ideas within the right space and encouragement, it often creates a long lasting transformational impact.

Besides coaching, Matt is a highly sought after emcee, speaker and recognized personality known for the work he has done on a variety of media platforms that includes radio, print, tv, online, as well as interviewing international figures such as Maroon 5 and the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong.

With his accumulated experiences, Matt imparts all of these to his clients, inspiring self belief, building self worth and confidence in them; some of whom includes Presidential Scholars, National Athletes, up and coming stars and young CEOs.

With youths, he always strives to inspire his students with sincerity, empowering them a plethora of techniques and skills that will enable them to take real action and transform their lives.

Matt’s efforts in the classrooms have even been commended publicly by Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan Jin and former Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Grace Fu.

Media Reel

Youth MasterClass

Professionals MasterMind

Passion Projects

One day or day one.
It’s your decision.

Yes, I want to achieve a breakthrough and transformation

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